Category Archives: Mel’s Bracelet


Registration is now open to attend our second conference for cancer survivors and their caregivers! Continue Reading

Help us reach our goal of putting Mel’s Bracelet™ on every wrist!

Today our office shipped Mel’s Bracelet™ to 22 states across the country, including: West Virginia, North Carolina, Vermont, New Hampshire, Arizona, Florida, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, Georgia, Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Idaho, California, Maine, Wyoming, Kentucky, and Oregon.  We are so excited and would love to see Mel’s Bracelet™ onContinue Reading

Facing Cancer Together

Your donation is helping to provide support, wellness and education services to all people affected by cancer, regardless of their capacity to pay. Continue Reading

Camp Kesem at University of Pennsylvania to receive Mel’s Magic grant for the month of July

Camp Kesem at University of Pennsylvania to receive Mel’s Magic grant for the month of July.Continue Reading

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